Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Christmas to remember!!!

As we celebrated our LORD’s birthday this year we were also blessed to have all Peter’s family here in town for Christmas…what a joy…. Olivia got to meet for the first time her uncle Matt, auntie Lydia, Micah, Bea and her great-grandma Nika from my side (my first time meeting Bea also :) or Beebs as Livi calls her).
Now Livi’s favorite place to go is over at grandpa-grandma’s cuz she knows that’s where she gets to see all her cousins at once and be silly with them…
I can definitely say that this has been one of the best Christmas in a while ;))))))) …

Thursday, December 2, 2010


What a great thanksgiving month this one has been...

Even though this is a bit late i still wanted to say how thankfull I am for ALL of you: - Our wonderfull biiiiggg family (even though some far away), our nurses and doctors that have helped Olivia to be where she is, my wonderfull friends, all the people at church that still shower us with continues prayers,love and support (thank you for all your encouraging cards) and above all I'm thankfull for God and HIS gift to me, a great husband and a precious miracle called Olivia Grace.

Yesterday we had Livi's nephrology appointment and it went great. Her labs were still stable and she had the biggest grow spur last month which shocked everybody...she weights 23.6 lb (5-15% tile) and length of 30.5 inches (almost on the chart)...whoohooooo....

Thank you again for all your prayers since we couldn't have done it without you ALL.