Thursday, November 5, 2009

Just discovered my voice :-)

Like every week today was my day off which is usually filled with doc's appts. Around 9 AM we had the developmental therapist ladies come to do Livi's evaluation. They played with her for about 1 & half hour and did everything beside getting Livi to say any word. A couple of hours after they left I was holding her in my lap, admiring and feeling the great joy that every mom does when they cuddle with their little ones. She looked around, took a deep breath and started yelling out loud "DADDA-DADDA-GADDA-GAGGA"... I couldn't believe it... my little baby said her first word... what a precious moment.
There is nothing more beautiful that listening to your child's joyful voice, even though what they're saying doesn't make any sense :P .
It is AMAZING how GOD works in all of our lives to make us realize how precious HIS creation is.

1 comment:

  1. Was DADDA!!! around to hear her scream for him!?:)Was she actually looking around and calling for him? She's so ADORABLE!!!:) <3 I hope she likes her therapists!:) I'm sure they like her! LOVE YOU BUNCHES!!! <3 <3 <3

    Love, Thoughts & Prayers OX Always!
    Your Cousin, <3 Anna <3
