Thursday, December 3, 2009


Time goes by so fast...Olivia is already 10 months old and 15 lb & 1/2. I can't even believe how in such short period of time you can learn and go through so much...I FEEL BLESSED. Olivia is the most wonderful gift GOD has given us. She is growing so fast it's unbelievable. Yesterday we tough her how to do/say "good-bye" and she loves waiving at everything now. It's amazing how fast of a learner she is, it takes just a couple of times to show it to her and she grasps it :)). Livi also learned how to drink out of a sippy cup which we try to introduce to her about 3-4 times a day...LOVE IT.

Thanksgiving was very special also this year since it was Livi's first one but turkey(the jar one) we found out wasn't her favorite should've seen her face, couldn't even swallow it, she kept gaging herself...LOL...

This thanksgiving I'm thankful for all of you that think, pray, and love us unconditionally and above all thankful for GOD and the "miracle" that he has given us this year...MAY GOD BLESS EVERYBODY!!!

1 comment:

  1. I truly enjoyed seeing her the other day and watching her play 'I'm being shy' look when she was sitting on the couch. She is just beautiful and the quietest baby any neighbor could ever ask for!!! :-)
