Thursday, October 4, 2012

Finally back again

After so many months without a computer and not being able to update we're back :). There have been so many changes... good changes during this year. I'll just sum it up shortly. Olivia is now three and a half, 32lb and almost 36 inch long. About 3 months ago Livi started her pre-op transplant road which was put on hold due to her short stature concern. She was still not on the chart for her age which was going to make her growth even harder after the transplant since they couldn’t give her any of the growth hormones after the surgery due to antibody rejections. At that point Peter & I took it upon ourselves to start giving her the shots nightly, hoping we could get some good results on without speeding the transplant procedure... Three months later, I'm grateful to report that Livi has grown almost 2 inches and is finally on the chart (4%tile). She is learning to eat more table food to where 1 yr ago she was still only on baby formula. As for the kidney we're still where we were but we call it "stable" as long as her body can handle all these changes. GOD is good...

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