Saturday, September 19, 2009

Apple is our favorite fruit - ) since we live in MI.

Two weeks ago we finally got the okay from Dr. Steinke (the nephrologyst) to start giving Olivia baby-cereal by mouth. You should've seen Peter and I after the doctor's appointment... we drove right to Meijer, headed to the baby-food section and with the "allowed food list" in our hands tried to pick up as much as we could hold. Neither one of us was looking at each other until we headed for the cart and... it was too much food since we can give Olivia just one fruit or vegetable per week, sooo... we both laughed and had to put some back and try to take the shopping EASY :-)
It was a great experience. At first we had to start with plain rice cereal, which she wasn't much into, then I decided to add a bit of apple and what a difference that made. What can I say, she likes sweets :-) probably because when she was in NICU the nurses (which we love them) always gave her sweeties -) .
She eats everyday about 1-2 tsp of the apple cereal, sitting on her big girl "bumbo" chair. I love her messy face when she smacks her lips so she can taste the food better. Can't wait for the doc.'s appointment this week to see how much she weights.

1 comment:

  1. Dajana I am so amazed how well little Livi is eating by mouth. She will get even more chubby now. It is so funny how curious she is about everyone and everything around her. I love my beautiful niece too much.
    Auntie, Vera
