Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This morning as Livi and I were relaxing in her room I found myself emerged in the internet obsession called ”Instant Messaging”.
Olivia was right next to me on the floor entertaining herself and I was typing back and forth like a mad woman to both of my sisters in Albania at the same time. Next to the rocking chair where I was sitting, she has two of her favorite things which she loves to play with: her TV and her shoe container.
I have to say, my daughter is the best baby EVER when it comes to keeping herself busy. Today was another great example of that. I could see with the corner of my eye that she was doing a repetitive motion but not exactly what so I stopped…….look down and I see my little O.C. baby dusting away her TV and the shoe container as fast as she could. I could’ve just died laughing. She would dust in a circle pattern with her tiny washcloth and then stop …. smell the washcloth and then start again from the beginning… It was the most adorable thing ever. I tried to take a picture but couldn’t get a good one so I’ll try to record it for you all next time so you can see it with your own eyes that our 14month old baby is already obsessed with cleaning : ))


  1. Growing up every day Beekaa Beekaa :-) Love u girls

    Auntie Zheni

  2. HA HA ... there is nothing wrong with being a little OCD about cleaniness...
    My little ones have learned that a neat and tidy house is much easier to find their toys in.
