Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Still in the hospital...

. I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog in a couple of days. Things have been up and down with labs. The creatinine level is having a hard time dropping to the normal range so if it continues to drop with the same pace they are planning to do a biopsy of her new kidney and check if there is any rejection at this point since her new kidney has not yet shows it's full potential. The hospital environment is getting to us and yes you can say we're kind of " loosing our mind" all cooped in one room, running out of " fun" things to do. Olivia has discovered that she can use her IV pol as her scooter for around the room... It's super cute to see how this little girl will find anything to entertain herself and most of the time she has kept an amazing positive attitude giving the fact that she hasn't been able to leave the room since last Friday. As of today, we're still waiting for Livi's lab results drawn this morning and hoping that we get good numbers back. If Olivia start drinking & eating more by mouth and slows down on her outputs than the dr. Will consider her discharge since at that point we'll know that she can be managed at home without drying out her new kidney.

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